Current information about the Ritter von Kempski private hotels
Here we provide you with our current press releases on our exclusive hotels: the Naturresort & Spa Schindelbruchthe Hotel & Spa Suites FreiWerk and thegourmet restaurant Silberstreif. Whether new developments, events or special awards - on this page you will find comprehensive material and current press releases. If you have any questions, please get in touch with our contacts at the Stromberger PR agency.
Bettina Siller / Laura Hofbauer
Kistlerhofstraße 70
House 5 Building 188
81379 Munich
Phone: +49(0)89 189 478 87
Here you will find the current press kit for Naturresort Schindelbruch.
For further information and photo requests, please use the contacts given in the press releases.
Here you will find the current press kit for the FreiWerk Hotel & Spa Suites.
For further information and photo requests, please use the contacts given in the press releases.
Here you will find the latest press releases for the Restaurant Silberstreif.
For further information and photo requests, please use the contacts given in the press releases.